"對我來說,和對的人一起享受一頓美食,是生活中非常重要的事. 這也是為何我決定作為一位廚師: 把人和美食聚在一起.
我曾經住過許多不同的國家,有一樣東西一直是我最著迷的的,那就是 "食物". 我在這些充滿了異國情調的香料和令人驚喜的廚藝世界中找到了許多快樂. 旅行把我和這些不同的各國美食拉近了許多距離,而這些異國食物看來雖然不同,但相同的是:維持各自的傳統.
台灣也是一樣: “食”在這個太平洋的島上,是一種全民運動. 對於食材的要求,口味的多樣化卻又保有傳統,正是為何台灣是個美食聖地. 台灣的好朋友們不吝嗇地介紹我許多的美食,所以我也很想把我家鄉的美味帶給您們大家分享: 正統的西班牙菜.
從大家熟知的西班牙海鮮飯到 TAPAS 和西班牙紅酒....西班牙食物有她獨到且多樣的生命,只是可惜大家對於地中海食物的熟悉度,大多集中在法式或義式的料理. 西班牙式料理,不只是重於吃的本身, 他集合了伊比利半島及周邊群島的各種風格,呈現出的獨特色彩,其實也很難三言兩語來形容的,而是要您親身體驗!
- Pablo Lorenzo.
"There are very few things in life more fulfilling than a good meal with the right company. I guess this is the main reason why I decided to become a cook: to bring people together around a delicious and hearty meal.
I have lived in many places and done many different things in my life, but there is one thing I’ve always been passionate about, and that's food. There is a world out there full of exotic flavours, an unbelievable range of ingredients and spices, fascinating combinations and ravishing cooking techniques, and exploring all these is one of the things that makes this Spaniard the happy man he is. Travelling has brought me closer to some amazing cuisines, with diversity of food that seems to be endless because it keeps redefining itself while holding on to all the traditions that made them so unique in the first place.
Taiwan is no exception: eating is without doubt the national sport in this charming Pacific island. The people of Taiwan are proud of their food and they have every right to be; it’s the desire for good ingredients, the hunger for different flavours and the respect for tradition that makes this island such a great place to eat. Food in Taiwan has given me some great moments among my local (and not so local) friends, so much that I now feel the need to show this country the secrets and wonders of yet another amazing cuisine: my native Spanish.
From the renowned paella (and all it’s misconceptions) to its wine and tapas, Spanish food has a life of its own, but unfortunately it has long been hidden under the Mediterranean sea and overshadowed by other delicious European cuisines like those of Italy and France. Our cuisine goes, in many cases, way beyond the pure act of eating, and the overwhelming variety of food found in our peninsula and neighbouring islands is hard to describe and has to be experienced directly to be fully understood.
So let me show you what I’m talking about. Let me bring you one step closer to our culture so you can understand what food really means to us. Let’s get together and cook, eat and drink, and let’s do it the Spanish way!"
- Pablo Lorenzo.
- Pablo Lorenzo.
"There are very few things in life more fulfilling than a good meal with the right company. I guess this is the main reason why I decided to become a cook: to bring people together around a delicious and hearty meal.
I have lived in many places and done many different things in my life, but there is one thing I’ve always been passionate about, and that's food. There is a world out there full of exotic flavours, an unbelievable range of ingredients and spices, fascinating combinations and ravishing cooking techniques, and exploring all these is one of the things that makes this Spaniard the happy man he is. Travelling has brought me closer to some amazing cuisines, with diversity of food that seems to be endless because it keeps redefining itself while holding on to all the traditions that made them so unique in the first place.
Taiwan is no exception: eating is without doubt the national sport in this charming Pacific island. The people of Taiwan are proud of their food and they have every right to be; it’s the desire for good ingredients, the hunger for different flavours and the respect for tradition that makes this island such a great place to eat. Food in Taiwan has given me some great moments among my local (and not so local) friends, so much that I now feel the need to show this country the secrets and wonders of yet another amazing cuisine: my native Spanish.
From the renowned paella (and all it’s misconceptions) to its wine and tapas, Spanish food has a life of its own, but unfortunately it has long been hidden under the Mediterranean sea and overshadowed by other delicious European cuisines like those of Italy and France. Our cuisine goes, in many cases, way beyond the pure act of eating, and the overwhelming variety of food found in our peninsula and neighbouring islands is hard to describe and has to be experienced directly to be fully understood.
So let me show you what I’m talking about. Let me bring you one step closer to our culture so you can understand what food really means to us. Let’s get together and cook, eat and drink, and let’s do it the Spanish way!"
- Pablo Lorenzo.
Great introduction