As part of its rich cuisine, Spain has an overwhelming variety of sweet treats, and even though many of them might not be exclusively from Spain, we surely know how to make them!
Here's the first four... for recipes, write me up and I'll be happy to share them with you!
An essential in pastry-making, these Palmiers are made from puff pastry, a very popular type of dough containing lots of butter. Since I like making everything from scratch, I decided this wouldn't be an exception. Puff pastry takes time and patience, but the results are really worth it...
Those of you who know what a sobao is might be thinking this looks nothing like it... true, this is what the traditional sobao should look like, but even though the shape is different, the recipe is exactly the same so I think the results wouldn't disappoint anyone... This one also has its spongy, fluffy texture and a subtle touch of lemon. For whiskey lovers, this is a combination you shouldn't miss!
Arroz con leche - 香草肉桂米布丁
Well-know all around the world, this dessert doesn't need presentation. It would be unfair to claim it as a Spanish dish since so many countries make it, and they all give it their own personal touch. From Europe and Africa to the whole of the American continent, we can find a huge variety of rice puddings, some of them containing very interesting additions, such as maple syrup, raisins or cocoa...
My personal favorite... take the original pudding recipe, then give it a little twist by adding dulce de leche, one of the staples in South America's dessert making. Dulce de leche is similar to toffee or caramel, and it is obtained by cooking a can of condensed milk in boiling water for about 1,5 hours. This is added to the pudding mixture and cooked in the oven until it sets. My grandmother, originally from Argentina, still makes it everytime I go back to Spain because she knows very well how much I love it!
Feel free to contact me directly for recipes or any other ideas or suggestions!
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